95 research outputs found

    Traceable Use of Emerging Technologies in Smart Systems

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    This volume presents a selection of invited papers from the 3rd Workshop on Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Smart City Applications (CODASSCA 2022): From Data to Information and Knowledge, held in Yerevan, Armenia, August, 23-25, and further articles from a free call for papers JUCS-CODASSCA-2023 published by Easychair. The workshop continues the cooperation between the University of Duisburg‐Essen (UDE) and the American University of Armenia (AUA) funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Research Foundation (DFG). The workshop took place together with a one-week summer school on the topic Enhancements of Deep Learning for Intelligent Applications and the Connected Society.&nbsp

    Towards Interoperable IoT Deployments inSmart Cities - How project VITAL enables smart, secure and cost- effective cities

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    International audienceIoT-based deployments in smart cities raise several challenges, especially in terms of interoperability. In this paper, we illustrate semantic interoperability solutions for IoT systems. Based on these solutions, we describe how the FP7 VITAL project aims to bridge numerous silo IoT deployments in smart cities through repurposing and reusing sensors and data streams across multiple applications without carelessly compromising citizens’ security and privacy. This approach holds the promise of increasing the Return-On-Investment (ROI), which is associated with the usually costly smart city infrastructures, through expanding the number and scope of potential applications

    Vision: a Lightweight Computing Model for Fine-Grained Cloud Computing

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    Cloud systems differ fundamentally in how they offer and charge for resources. While some systems provide a generic programming abstraction at coarse granularity, e.g., a virtual machine rented by the hour, others offer specialized abstractions with fine-grained accounting on a per-request basis. In this paper, we explore Tasklets, an abstraction for instances of short-duration, generic computations that migrate from a host requiring computation to hosts that are willing to provide computation. Tasklets enable fine-grained accounting of resource usage, enabling us to build infrastructure that supports trading computing resources according to various economic models. This computation model is especially attractive in settings where mobile devices can utilize resources in the cloud to mitigate local resource constraints

    REWARD a Real World Achievement and Record Database

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    A survey on engineering approaches for self-adaptive systems (extended version)

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    The complexity of information systems is increasing in recent years, leading to increased effort for maintenance and configuration. Self-adaptive systems (SASs) address this issue. Due to new computing trends, such as pervasive computing, miniaturization of IT leads to mobile devices with the emerging need for context adaptation. Therefore, it is beneficial that devices are able to adapt context. Hence, we propose to extend the definition of SASs and include context adaptation. This paper presents a taxonomy of self-adaptation and a survey on engineering SASs. Based on the taxonomy and the survey, we motivate a new perspective on SAS including context adaptation

    Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks within a City Cloud

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    International audienceSmart City solutions are currently based on multiple architectures, standards and platforms, which have led to a highly fragmented landscape. In order to allow cities to share data across systems and coordinate processes across domains, it is essential to break these silos. A way to achieve the purpose is sensor virtualization, discovery and data restitution. In this paper, a federation of FIT IoT-LAB within OpenIoT is presented. OpenIoT is a middleware that enables the collection of data streams from multiple heterogeneous geographically dispersed data sources, as well as their semantic unification and streaming with a cloud infrastructure. Future Internet of Things IoT-LAB (FIT IoT-LAB) provides a very large scale infrastructure facility suitable for testing small wireless sensor devices and heterogeneous communicating objects. The integration proposed represents a way to reduce the gap existing in the IoT fragmentation, and, moreover, allows users to develop smart city applications by interacting directly with sensors at different layers. We illustrate it trough a basic temperature monitoring application to show its efficiency

    FPGA based in-memory AI computing

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    The advent of AI in vehicles of all kinds is simultaneously creating the need for more and most often also very large computing capacities. Depending on the type of vehicle, this gives rise to various problems: while overall hardware and engineering costs dominate for airplanes, in fully electrical cars the costs for computing hardware are more of a matter. Common in both domains are tight requirements on the size, weight and space of the hardware, especially for drones and satellites, where this is most challenging. For airplanes and especially for satellites, an additional challenge is the radiation resistance of the usually very memory-intensive AI systems. We therefore propose an FPGA-based in-memory AI computation methodology, which is so far only applicable for small AI systems, but works exclusively with the local memory elements of FPGAs: lookup tables (LUTs) and registers. By not using external and thus slow, inefficient and radiation-sensitive DRAM, but only local SRAM, we can make AI systems faster, lighter and more efficient than is possible with conventional GPUs or AI accelerators. All known radiation hardening techniques for FPGAs also work for our systems

    Dynamic optical coherence tomography of blood vessels in cutaneous melanoma — correlation with histology, immunohistochemistry and dermoscopy

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    Dermoscopy adds important information to the assessment of cutaneous melanoma, but the risk of progression is predicted by histologic parameters and therefore requires surgery and histopathologic preparation. Neo-vascularization is crucial for tumor progression and worsens prognosis. The aim of this study was the in vivo evaluation of blood vessel patterns in melanoma with dynamic optical coherence tomography (D-OCT) and the correlation with dermoscopic and histologic malignancy parameters for the risk assessment of melanoma. In D-OCT vessel patterns, shape, distribution and presence/type of branching of 49 melanomas were evaluated in vivo at three depths and correlated with the same patterns in dermoscopy and with histologic parameters after excision. In D-OCT, blood vessel density and atypical shapes (coils and serpiginous vessels) increased with higher tumor stage. The histologic parameters ulceration and Hmb45- and Ki67-positivity increased, whereas regression, inflammation and PD-L1-positivity decreased with risk. CD31, VEGF and Podoplanin correlated with D-OCT vasculature findings. B-RAF mutation status had no influence. Due to pigment overlay and the summation effect, the vessel evaluation in dermoscopy and D-OCT did not correlate well. In summary, atypical vessel patterns in melanoma correlate with histologic parameters for risk for metastases. Tumor vasculature can be noninvasively assessed using D-OCT before surgery

    Systemunterstützung für spontan vernetzte ubiquitäre Rechnersysteme

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    Mobile networked devices become more and more pervasive. By embedding such devices into everyday items, pervasive computing systems will emerge in the near future. Current approaches for such systems are based on the model of Smart Environments. In such environments, a preinstalled hardware infrastructure enhances a spatial area, e.g., a room or house, and enables it to coordinate multiple mobile devices present in the environment to cooperatively provide services to the users. However, such systems rely on the presence of such an expensive infrastructure and do not work in areas without it. This restricts the deployment of pervasive computing systems severely. Therefore, in this work we propose another model for pervasive computing systems, the so-called Smart Peer Group model. A Smart Peer Group consists of a number of interconnected mobile devices that discover each other dynamically and form a spontaneous composition of devices. Coordination is provided by the participating devices themselves and no external infrastructure is needed. This results in a highly flexible system that can be used at any time and anywhere. The development of such systems is a non trivial task, due to the high level of dynamism, the potentially high resource constraintness, and the unpredictable nature of Smart Peer Groups. In this dissertation, we present the Smart Peer Group model and analyze the specific characteristics of this system class. In addition, we propose a number of concepts and algorithms to develop Smart Peer Group-based Pervasive Computing systems. A communication middleware for Smart Peer Groups is presented, which offers means to cope with resource-poor specialized devices and shields application developers from fluctuating network connectivities. Furthermore, a service discovery system for such systems is developed, which allows unused devices to temporarily deactivate themselves in order to save energy without loosing the ability to discover new services or to be discovered by others. The presented concepts and algorithms are evaluated in different scenarios using an analytical and an experimental evaluation.Mit der zunehmenden Verbreitung immer leistungsstärkerer und kompakterer mobiler Rechnersysteme durchdringen diese unsere alltägliche Umgebung immer mehr. Mittelfristig ist davon auszugehen, dass Anwender immer und überall von einer Vielzahl elektronischer Geräte umgeben sein werden, die mittels drahtloser Kommunikation miteinander kooperieren. Geräte können hierbei für den Anwender unsichtbar in Gegenstände des täglichen Bedarfs eingebettet oder in die Umgebung integriert sein. Ein solches System wird als ubiquitäres Rechnersystem bezeichnet. Bei der Entwicklung ubiquitärer Rechnersysteme wurde in der Vergangenheit stark auf sogenannte intelligente Umgebungen, d.h. elektronisch erweiterte Umgebungen, fokussiert. Hierbei wird in einem eingegrenzten räumlichen Gebiet, z.B. einem Zimmer oder einem Haus, eine geeignete Infrastruktur installiert, die es den im Gebiet vorhandenen Geräten erlaubt, miteinander zu kooperieren. Dieses Architekturmodell erfordert es, vor dem Betrieb des Systems eine geeignete Systeminfrastruktur in Form von Hardware und Software im antizipierten Betriebsumfeld zu installieren. Dies ist mit hohen Investitionskosten verbunden und schränkt die Verwendbarkeit ubiquitärer Systeme auf vorgegebene räumliche Gebiete ein. In dieser Arbeit wird ein alternatives Architekturmodell für ubiquitäre Rechnersysteme entwickelt, das keine externe Infrastruktur benötigt und auf dem Konzept der sogenannten spontanen Funktionsverbünde beruht. Nach einer Analyse der Herausforderungen, die bei der Entwicklung spontaner Funktionsverbünde auftreten, werden im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit Verfahren, Konzepte und Algorithmen vorgestellt mit denen diese Herausforderungen überwunden werden können und eine effiziente und flexible Koordination der Geräte eines spontanen Funktionsverbundes ermöglicht wird. Hierzu wird zum einen ein Konzept entwickelt, mit dem eine Flexibilisierung der Gerätekommunikation ermöglicht wird, indem das Kommunikationsmodell einer Anwendung vom Synchronisationsmodell der verwendeten Interoperabilitätsprotokolle entkoppelt wird. Zudem wird eine strategiebasierte dynamische Auswahl der verwendeten Kommunikationsprotokolle vorgeschlagen, mittels derer eine fortlaufende Anpassung des Kommunikationssystems an Wechsel in der Ausführungsumgebung ermöglicht wird. Diese Konzepte werden in eine mikrokernbasierte Verteilungsinfrastruktur integriert, die für ressourcenbeschränkte Geräte entwickelt wurde. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Verfahren zur dynamischen Erkennung der aktuellen Anwendungsumgebung untersucht und ein Verfahren zur energieeffizienten Erkennung entfernter Dienste und Geräte auf Basis eines Gruppierungsalgorithmus vorgeschlagen
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